Our Transparency

  • 100% Guarantee

    Project Mañana International allows you to give with confidence; as we do not take ANY administrative fees from your tax-deductible donation. Learn More.

  • GuideStar PLATINUM

    Project Mañana International has received GuideStar's highest ranking of PLATINUM participant status for its transparency, financial responsibility, and impact. Learn More.

  • Our Financials

    Project Mañana International is completely transparent. We invite you to review our financial documents. Learn More.

  • Project Mañana
    Project Mañana Promise

    Project Mañana International is committed to providing you with peace-of-mind by maintaining the highest level of integrity in everything we do. We take your trust and partnership seriously. Learn More.


  • Project Mañana is how nonprofits should run. Period.

    They clearly state the need, show it to you, layout how they help and their plans (both macro and micro) and how you as a donor can play into that. Their financial needs are small. Money you donate really goes to those in need, not to paychecks of organizations. They are very transparent with their financials.

    In the end, this is charity right? We do what we do to help others. Project Mañana is exactly that. Helping others out of love and compassion. Sharing the love they have received through Christ in a tangible way to those who know neither.

  • I had to honor of going to the DR for the first time with Project Mañana in 2013 and have come back year after year to serve alongside the wonderful people of the DR and Project Mañana. I have grown to love the communities they work in every day and call the DR my second home. Project Mañana has created Christ centered organization that flows through the local church to change and touch lives of so many. So honored to be partners with this ministry and to call them friends.

  • These folks truly care about the heart, soul, and faith of the Dominican people. Class act organization with a heart to serve. Can't wait to join them again to serve!


Join Our Team

Full-Time Missionaries Wanted!

Are you feeling called to serve in the Dominican Republic? Then we would love to speak with you! Project Mañana is currently hiring adult missionaries (18+) for several positions. Please Contact Us for more information.

We're looking for:

  • Team Host
  • Marketing/Communications Coordinator (Photographer/Videographer)
  • Staff Care Coordinator
  • and more!

Internships Available!

Learn More.

Project Manana Onboarding Process